Firstly, Introduce yourself! Who are you, what do you do, and what are your passions?
Hi! I'm Tayla, I am a Naturopath and a Pilates instructor and founder of Wild Health Studio which is an online platform offering Naturopathic Consultations Australia-wide! I'm a huge nature, health, movement and adventure lover!
I am so passionate about guiding people back into their bodies, taking control of their health and enabling them to live a balanced life. It's taken me quite a long time to sift through my own personal health issues and I have found that regaining your wellness takes time and having a deep understanding and connection to your body is so important in regaining your vitality! The body is complex but I like to simplify it for my clients and dig deep to find them answers.
Why do you believe having a good morning routine is so important? What can routine offer us? Morning routines or rituals are so important for your health. It is the starting point of your whole day. If you wake up stressed, check your phone first thing, go do a HIIT workout ignorant to your current menstrual cycle phase, drink coffee for breakfast and race to the finish line all day, your body will not thank you for it day after day, month after month - you'll feel wired, tired, stressed, continue checking your phone for quick dopamine hits and constantly be in a shallow breath - you'll also no doubt crave sugar by 2pm for a pick-me-up! Morning rituals allow you to find peace in your day and set you up for success and balance. If you wake up and start your day with some breathwork, pause, slow down, get some morning sunshine in your eyes, do some intuitive movement around your cycle phase, eat a protein-rich, macro-balanced breakfast and wait to have your coffee until mid-morning your day will be so much richer for it! What are some of your favourite healthy morning habits to help start you off on a productive and positive note?
Breathwork or some kind of mindfulness, even some gentle stretches in silence
Morning sunlight as early as possible to regulate my sleep/wake cycle
A nourishing, macro-balanced breakfast to optimally fuel me for the day.
Hydrate hydrate hydrate!
Exercise - my favourites are pilates, walking (without headphones), boxing, yoga or even a sauna - I always consider what my body is craving each day.
Stay away from my phone until I've done all of this!
They are all so simple, but so effective!
When is the best time to drink coffee to avoid any negative side effects for those of us who chose to implement it into our mornings? Although I don't drink coffee, this is not to say it's bad for you at all! Some people just do better without it. However, I always discuss ways to optimise coffee consumption with my clients as it can have such a potent effect on their whole day + benefit their sleep!
Never have coffee on an empty stomach! If you rely on this for your morning bowel movement I urge you to investigate this further.
Let your body naturally wake up first - mid-morning is a great time for your morning coffee
Try not to have more than 2 per day
Steer clear of Oat Milk - enjoy soy, almond or full cream if you tolerate it!
Avoid coffee after 1 pm
Never with sugar or sweeteners
Avoid coffee if you're anxious or highly stressed (your adrenals might need a break!)
What is the importance of eating a nourishing breakfast each morning?
Eating a nourishing breakfast in the mornings is so important in balancing blood sugar, supporting your nervous system, regulating your digestion and bowel movements, and supporting sustained energy and vitality for your entire day. Your mum was right, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! The flow on effects for your hormones each month is also undeniable and those pesky PMS symptoms will love you for incorporating a nourishing, macro-balanced breakfast daily!
What are 3 of your favourite healthy, balanced breakfasts that help to set you up for a good day? Some of my favourite breakfasts include:
Cruciferous Veggie Frittata - Link to recipe: https://www.wildhealthstudio.com/recipes/cruciferousveggiefrittata
Scrambled eggs on sourdough with kale and avocado
Hormone/Gut Loving Smoothie - Link to recipe:https://www.wildhealthstudio.com/recipes/gutlovingsmoothie

I change these around depending on my cycle phase and hunger throughout the month, generally, when our bleed begins, our hunger tends to be lower and gently rises over the month, this is where the smoothie is great as a light but still macro-balanced meal, amazing for sustaining a healthy gut. I then like to have the Vege Frittata with lots of cruciferous vegetables in the second half of my cycle to support the detoxification of circulating hormones!
What does a typical morning in your life look like?
My mornings often change depending on my work schedule, but I try to have a basic routine that I follow daily. I begin my morning with breathwork in bed to start the day, then I get up and get some activewear on, have a glass of water and head out for some exercise (preferably in nature). Movement is always dependent on which cycle phase I'm in. I then come home and have one of my favourite breakys (smoothie or some sort of eggs). I'm not a coffee drinker but I then make myself either a tea, chai or a hot choccy with cacao, medicinal mushrooms, collagen and manuka honey!
Anything else you'd like to add? Where can we find you on social media? I would just like to add that wherever you are on your wellness journey, start super small! Build habits on existing habits and start by setting up a morning ritual that has you feeling excited about your day ahead! And no coffee on an empty stomach, your nervous system will love you for it! You can find me on social media at wildhealth___studio and via my website at wildhealthstudio.com - I'm always up for a chat in my DM's!
