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Meet Halle

Writer's picture: Alexa WilliamsAlexa Williams

For this weeks wellness interview, I interviewed the amazing Halle Carter from @health.withhalle

We dived into her Naturopathy studies, dreams for her career, her favourite ways to de-stress, and learnt what some of her favourite healthy habits are.

This was such a valuable interview, and I personally have learnt so much from Halle, and I can't wait to see what she does in the future. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did!

1. Firstly, Introduce yourself! Who are you, what do you do, and what are your passions?

Hi, I’m Halle Carter, an 18 year old virgo just learning my way of life. I am currently studying a Diploma of Health Science, specialising in Naturopathy at Endeavour College - the college of natural health. I will transfer into a Bachelor of Health Science next year in hope of becoming a Naturopath. I currently juggle my study with a part time job at a cafe in the city of Adelaide, SA. I am also playing netball throughout winter, and try to live at the beach in summer! I have grown a huge appreciation for my surrounds ever since moving away from my small coastal home town. My passion is to find a balance in various aspects of my life. I love immersing myself in nature, living an active life and nourishing my body with nutritious food. I feel my best when I nourish my mind, body and spirit. But like many things in life, finding my balance is still a work in progress. 2. What sparked your interest and love for all things Health and Wellness, and to start your Instagram page?

My interest and love for all things health and wellness has branched from various aspects of my life. I have always loved living an active lifestyle, cooking and gardening. My interest for holistic health in particular, has grown from independency and studies of stress and the body’s innate healing ability. I haven’t always had a great relationship with food and I am still finding my way. I think that some of us can get lost in the stress of living this ‘healthy lifestyle’ in attempt to be doing what someone else is. But, it is important to remember that we are all unique, we carry physical, chemical and emotional differences. Just because someone you admire is eating, exercising or simply living in a particular way, it doesn’t mean that you should be doing exactly the same thing. I guess I have started my instagram page as a platform to remind myself these things and inspire others rather than be a place for comparison. 3. What are some of your favourite self-development habits/rituals?

I am a firm believer that us individuals always have the capacity to be better or do better, wether that be in regard to your social or personal life. As I mentioned before - I feel my best when nourishing my mind, body and spirit. This to me at the moment looks like; Mind; reminding myself to stay present when surrounded with those that I love. Body; getting in some movement everyday, wether it be in the form of dancing around the living room, doing house chores, walking, sport, yoga, pilates, HIIT… the possibilities really are endless. Spirit; reflecting through mindfulness or meditating (a work in progress). 4. What does an ideal day in your life look like?

An ideal day day in my life would be; Waking up fresh and early on a sunny morning. I am loving a yoga class bright and early, it really sets me up for the day, however sometimes I opt for a HIIT class. After my morning movement, a beach walk with my fave (Alf dog) and possibly an ocean dip! I would then grab a takeaway cuppa (my current go to is an almond latte). This would definitely be my ideal morning! I feel like mornings set you up for your day.. as they say, win the morning, with the day! After my beach walk, I would come home to make breakfast which would likely be coconut yogurt, fruit with nuts and seeds. The remainder of my morning might consist of working on some of my uni online (hot tip** if I get dressed as if I am ready to go somewhere, rather than just lounge wear, I am often more productive). On sunny days, I enjoy lying outside on a rug in the backyard and doing my uni. My ideal lunch would probably be a turkey, salad sandwich.. quick easy and healthy! An ideal afternoon would look like catching up with some friends, family or loved ones over a home cooked meal and cups of tea or a wine :) 5. Where do you see yourself in the future?

I have big dreams for my future as a Naturopath. After my degree, I would love to set up a wellness hub that caters for the nourishment of your whole being. I’m hoping to create a safe place where an individual will have access to as many holistic modalities as possible, to support their wellbeing on a physical, spiritual, emotional and biological level. 6. Do you have any favourite ways to unwind and destress after a long week?

My favourite way to de-stress after a long week would be to spend time outside, at the beach, wether it be in the water or on the sand. An early night or a sleep in will also do wanders! 7. What would your advice to someone who wants to improve their Inner and Outer Wellness be?

My advice would be to work on yourself for no one else but yourself. Working on your inner wellness can really radiate on to your outer wellness and again onto other people. Reflecting on your mental wellbeing is a great way to start, or maybe trying out something new, something you have always wanted to do. 8. Finally, where can people find you on social media?

You can find me at @health.withhalle where I share for inspiration rather than comparison <3

That was packed full of so much insightful and valuable info right?! Be sure to give Halle's instagram page a follow to support her along her journey.

Until next week, thanks for reading and stay well x



DISCLAIMER: Whilst all of the information on this page is backed by health professionals or research, any advice you choose to follow you do so at your own risk, you know your body better than anyone. If you are struggling with health issues, please seek personalised guidance from a medical professional.


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