This week, I was honoured to interview the beautiful Ashlee: Astrologer, Wellness Coach, Reiki Healer, Human Design Interpreter and Business Woman. Ashlee shares so much valuable information, insight and knowledge about her work, her practices and her passions, how she uses astrology and the power of the moon in her daily life and her dreams and goals for the future of her business. I hope you enjoy this read as much as I did, and be sure to check out Ashlee's work to see how she could help you through your journey of spirituality and wellness. Happy Reading!
ALEXA: Firstly, Introduce yourself! Who are you, what do you do, and what are your passions?
ASHLEE: Hi! I’m Ashlee. I’m 26 years old and live on the Central Coast NSW. I have a deep passion and interest in anything in the self-development and spirituality world, and I love to help others along their own spiritual journeys.
ALEXA: Tell us a bit about what your page and your work is all about. How do you help others through their journey with all things spirituality and wellness?
ASHLEE: I started my Instagram page Awaken and Rise, in 2019 after going through a big period of self-transformation in my personal life. At first, I just wanted to post inspirational quotes and images that I loved, but it quickly turned into me wanting to spread information and teachings that I have learnt in my own journey. I completed my wellness coaching certification, and learnt everything I could about Astrology during this time. I had so many friends ask me to read their astrological birth chart for them, and naturally I started to offer it to the people that were following my page too.
ALEXA: Who do you think would benefit from using the power and knowledge of astrology in their lives? Is it for everyone?

ASHLEE: I feel like astrology is for everyone who has an open mind to it. It personally has changed my life. By learning about my birth chart, it has allowed me to completely accept who I am. It felt like a sense of “permission” to be authentically me, rather than trying to be like everyone else to fit in. I find this is the same with my clients too- they feel seen in ways they haven’t felt seen before.
ALEXA: How do you personally use astrology, moon cycles, reiki
etc in your life?
ASHLEE: I love to be in sync with the moon. I post a lot on my Instagram about each new moon and full moon, and the rituals that I personally use around them (for example, I manifest on the new moons, and let go/release on the full moon). I love to use Reiki by doing treatments on myself, those close to me, as well as clearing the energy in my home (my plants love getting Reiki treatments too!)
ALEXA: What does a day look like in your work life?
ASHLEE: Each day is so different! I am most productive and energised in the mornings so I like to get up around 6-7am, do my spiritual practices and go for a walk. I live by the ocean, and I am currently loving going and sitting on the coastline listening to a podcast. I’ll then walk home for breakfast and get into work shortly after. At the moment, this will either be completing any astrology readings I have booked, scheduling instagram posts, working on new offerings, or creating reels. Depending on my task list for the day, I like to end my work day at around 3pm (I’m a Manifestor in human design- we’re not built for long workdays!) And this gives me plenty of time to recharge and do my favourite self care rituals.
ALEXA: Where would you like to see yourself and your business in the future?
ASHLEE: I see myself helping people awaken on a larger scale. I feel I will be going deeper with my business, as I grow and evolve personally. I would love to be working completely online so I have the freedom to travel while working too.

ALEXA: What are some of your favourite self care habits/rituals that you practice to maintain balance and overall wellness in your life?
ASHLEE: I love silence and alone time. I’m an empath and find that I easily absorb other people’s energies throughout the day. Alone time helps me to recharge my own batteries and detach from any energy that isn’t my own. I also love taking baths, being in nature, reading, and a cheeky Netflix binge.
ALEXA: What would your number one tip be to someone who wants to begin their own spiritual journey?
ASHLEE: I get this question all the time and I deeply believe it is so different for everyone! Everyone has a different catalyst that leads them to their spiritual awakening. My tip would be to follow whatever is lighting you up and to follow that intuition. If you’re feeling really drawn to crystals, start to learn about them. If you’re really interested in the Chakras, take a course or do a yoga class. If you feel like a particular book is speaking to you, buy it and read it. Your intuition will lead you to exactly where you are meant to go- you just need to trust, take action and follow it.
ALEXA: What would your advice to someone who wants to improve their Inner and Outer Wellness be?
ASHLEE: I think that accepting and embracing yourself is SO key. There will always be room for growth and improvement, but if you can’t love and accept yourself now, how can you expect to in the future? For me, learning about myself through modalities such as astrology, therapy, and human design, brought in that love and acceptance for myself.
ALEXA: Is there anything else you'd like to add? Where can we find you on social media?
ASHLEE: You can find me at @awaken_and_rise on Instagram, and my website is www.awakenandrise.co