Firstly, Introduce yourself! Who are you, what do you do, and what are your passions?
My name is Adelaide and I am a Clinical Naturopath practicing online and in Palm Beach on the Gold Coast. My business is called IME Naturopathy which stands for In My Experience, encompasses that naturopathic principle of “treat the whole person”. It highlights the understanding that each individual has a different experience and journey. I absolutely love to practice and generally am drawn to treat skin concerns, digestive complaints, detoxification and hormonal imbalances.
What sparked your interest for all things health and wellness, and what led you down the path of naturopathy specifically?
Growing up I suffered from chronic tonsillitis and chronic fatigue. I reached a point where I couldn’t stand repeating the same cycle and began to search for different solutions to the ones I had been using (e.g. a lot of antibiotics!!). I found the most amazing naturopath who supported me by simply changing dietary and lifestyle factors that were driving factors to my concerns. I was extremely committed to making these changes and within a short couple of months, I was feeling so much better. It’s been almost 10 years and I haven’t had tonsillitis since and have resolved the chronic fatigue.
What is iridology, and how is it used in a Naturopathy consult?
Iridology is the study of the patterns of the iris. It focuses on the colour, fibres, sclera and pupil. Iridology is not a diagnostic tool however it certainly provides an amazing insight into someones systemic health.
What can iridology tell a naturopath about a client's health, and what sort of issues can it detect?
One of my favourite parts of iridology is not only does it help to identify possible health concerns, it actually tells you a lot about someones personality. Different areas of the iris relate to different parts of the body so assessing sections can support in your analysis of a client.
What are some of the most common patterns you see in iridology results from client to client, and what health issues can they be linked to?
The iris is like a fingerprint so naturally, no two people are the same. There are however common themes with clients. For example, generally a lot of gut presentations can display similarly. Another common pattern is clients who are under quite a lot of stress often display with their pupils pulsing.

What results are ideal and are a sign of good health?
Common signs is often the area related to your digestive system. In iridology, this is called the Autonomic Nerve Wreath (ANW). The ANW has a happy medium spot and if too constricted, this may indicate constipation or if too loose, this may indicate someone experiencing diarrhoea.
How would you as a naturopath then proceed to work with a client after studying their iridology results?
For me, using iridology for me helps to support a client in a holistic way. It is a great supporting tool in helping to identify patterns and connect the dots. No client is a “one size fits all” so it is important to use different tools in supporting them as an individual.
Finally, where can we work with you/find you on social media?
You can find me on social media via @imenaturopathy. For consultations, I offer in person and online which are able to be booked here. You don’t need to be local to the Gold Coast to book in, I have a number of clients who are local, interstate and international. In person, I practice out of the amazing Goodkind Wellness Studio.
