Eeek! I am so excited to share this interview with you all! I have interviewed Bec from Balanced By Bec about all this Health, Wellness, Transitioning out of pre-professional ballet life and connecting to your higher self. I truly love this interview, Bec's story is so inspiring and she shares so many valuable pieces of advice. Enjoy x

1. Firstly, Introduce yourself! Who are you, what are you studying, what are your passions and tell us one interesting fact about yourself.
My name is Bec, I'm a 21 year old Bachelor of Health Sciences university student as well as a former pre-professional Queensland Ballet dancer. Since stepping away from pursuing a professional career in ballet due to sickness & injury, I find myself becoming more and more passionate about athlete wellbeing, specifically around nutrition (fuelling yourself well), mental health & transitioning out of sport. Something interesting about me is that I used to be a very athletic and competitive child— I was into swimming, ballet, running and even mountain biking.
2. What sparked your interest and love for all things Health and Wellness?
Sparking my health & wellness interest was my love for ballet, pursuing a professional career growing up and after becoming chronically sick, my sudden need to build my immune system back up. I also really took an interest to biology during high school and hence why I decided to study nutrition at uni.
3. What are some non-negotiables in your morning routine to set yourself up for a good day?
To set myself up for a good morning; I will wake up slowly (when I don’t have work/uni commitments that need me up at a certain time), eat a nutritious breakfast with avocado (my absolute favourite hehe) and a good cup of coffee, take a warm shower, read and ground myself in the sunshine. I also like to either journal or speak aloud to myself 10 things I am grateful for each day as this is helping to train my mind to seek out the positives in my everyday life.
4. What does an ideal day in your life look like?
An ideal day for me at the moment includes rest and minimising guilt around rest, studying to achieve my degree, doing something self development related to always keep bettering my mindset & moving my body in some form. I don’t have a set idea of where i'd like to take my studies so currently I am focusing on bettering my mind/body/spirit, getting more comfortable with being uncomfortable and learning more about myself each day so I can find where my true passions lie and what an ideal day would look like for my higher self.
5. Where do you see yourself in the future?
Future me or my higher self (as I like to refer to it), is mentally/physically and spiritually strong, helping others/athletes in some form through my work and degree, potentially teaching, and living by the beach with my hubby, kids & dogs.
6. What are your favourite things to do in your spare time?
In my spare time, I obviously love going back to the barre & taking ballet classes. Outside of ballet, I love reading/ pilates/ and anything self development.
7. What would your advice to someone who wants to improve their Inner and Outer wellness be?
My advice to someone wanting to improve their state of wellbeing is that you have to want it for yourself. Sustainable change and growth has to come from within and for me personally, having to go through a tough transition out of ballet where I was getting sick each week and also mentally the weakest I have been, was the kick I needed. Since beginning my healing journey, I’ve learnt the importance of being alone, investing in you and in discovering yourself. It's tough, uncomfortable and isolating work but I believe it is in this state that we begin to truly understand ourselves and how to properly better our mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Work on your inner world and your outer world will transform as a result.
8. Where can people find you?
You can find me on;
Instagram @balanced.bybec
Youtube: Balanced by Bec
Tik Tok @balanced.bybec
